July 2023
Peter Crowe, P.Eng.
The Consulting Engineers of Nova Scotia (CENS) was formed in the 1970’s and has been committed to our members by being relevant to their needs, the needs of the industry, and public expectations for over 50 years. The efforts and commitment of our board and committee volunteers over the years has been exceptional and without it CENS would not exist.We are in an era of change at CENS this year with the retirement of our Executive Director Skit Ferguson in October, but this will also provide opportunity for us to focus on strategy, structure, growth, and membership value. At our luncheon in June we had the opportunity to celebrate the 30+ year legacy that Skit has provided and on behalf of the membership I want to thank him for his service that has contributed so much to our success.
Building on the work of our past presidents, we will continue to assess and implement our Strategic Plan and continue to drive our Vision, Mission, and Core Values forward. We have a draft Governance Framework that needs to be reviewed and approved to establish an up to date, solid framework for our organization that will support CENS into the future.
As President, I will share a plan with the Board to move the organization forward on several fronts keeping true to our Strategic Pillars: Advocacy; Industry Promotion and Marketing; Professional Business Development; and Inter-Business Development. This plan will address a number of priorities for CENS.
Some of these priorities will include:
Improved and Relevant Membership Communication
Increased Overall Membership Value for all Firms
Executive Director Search
Finance Organization
Governance Framework
Member Education and Young Professional Opportunities
Industry, University/College, and Aligned Organization Promotion
Increased Member Engagement at all Levels
Improved Interaction with Members, Clients, and Partners
There is no doubt that this is the beginning of a transition for CENS and it will take much effort from engaged firms to make this happen. Please stay tuned and if you have any suggestions, would like to get involved, or would like more information please reach out to myself or anyone on the board.
Peter Crowe, P.Eng.
President – CENS 2023/24